Wow, I have been lax in posting of late! Thanks for the nudge, Lady F.
*deep breath*
Some things have changed in my neck of the woods over this LONG break - a brief summary, for those of you who'd like one ...
1. The new job has a little shine off of it now. I enjoy working with and older set of kiddos and every day is a challenge! I enjoy ELA immensely, so this is the perfect marriage of the job I had hoped to have when I was a little girl and the job I wanted as a teen. The people I work with are fantastic, I have signed a contract for next year (WHICH IS A BIG DEAL, YOU GUYS!), and I am constantly challenged.
2. Some renters have come and gone. Most notably I have said goodbye to the angry German. Thanks, roomie, for breaking your rental agreement and refusing to pay. I am actually healthier and happier without the poisonous environment you created. Cheers!
3. I MIGHT have found my inner sarcastic sassy pants (see above).
4. Two 'major players' in my life are getting MARRIED in the same month, a week apart! Kris and Corrin have found their respective 'other halves'. I am a MOH in one and a Bridesmaid/DJ in the other. October will be busy! I am elated and also miffed that things are changing a bit. Kris has been my roomie for going on 4 years and her Lizard-monster is stealing her ... and Garr-fish is stealing my bestie from college. I expect to be visited and harassed to visit often.
5. Another major player is preggers and about to pop! This may or may not have confirmed my suspicion that I never want to procreate. I can hand babies off more easily if they aren't mine.
6. I am obsessed with a new set of TV shows, most notably Dr. Who and Misfits. I still enjoy Frasier.
Some things have also stayed the same ...
1. Still into biking, being healthy(ish), exercise, and movement. Cooking experimentally, but mostly paleo when at home.
2. My cat is still neurotic and co-dependent. Positive affirmations do NOT seem to help unless paired with bacon. Which is my roomie's fault. I will always blame the warped-ness of our mutual fur-baby on her.
3. I still have yet to shamelessly strut about in a bikini or actually get that tattoo.
4. I am shamelessly in love with Pandora One.
5. My walls at work are covered with odd sayings and random things.
6. I am still finding my way with regards to faith and knowledge. I am still a beauty-seeker and a truth-seeker. I find that mileage tends to vary with any form of thought with these types of things from person to person, and that this is part of what makes life so interesting.
In more recent times, I have been out having adventures in the lovely Upstate of SC. One example is ShalomFest. I heard a great lecture and had an awesome time with Lady F, Sarah, Lady M, and the boy. I love learning new things about cultures and religions, and let's face it - nothing beats some yummy, adventurous food!
Sarah had a baby MONSOON of tiny socks and dresses and bows and pink and bunnies. It was really fun to see friends and meet new people! This little baby will have an awesome community of baby-sitters, aunties, and snugglers.
Faithie is back from the Midwest with hubs and baby in tow - the high-school lady-gang has been reassembled (it isn't hard with just 3). Hannah, Faithie, Lady-Bate and I had a grand time playing 'pass the baby' and catching up on gossip. Lady-Bate is almost exactly WHO and HOW I want to be when I grow up - minus the kids. She is extroverted, blunt, emotionally invested and outrageous - but ALWAYS incredibly wise and kind. Maybe I'll improve with age!
I was able to get my first Contra of the year in - and there is photographic evidence that I was there. And that I danced with the boy. I love Contra and River Falls and the people and the music and there will be several trips up this summer. It will have to happen. You should join me!

Blues and Swing also still happen and summer will need to have a FULL HELPING. I have my eyes on some events coming up. YOU SHOULD GO TOO! The local line-up -
CHEX and HCBX are two EXCELLENT chances to get your dance on in the Holy City with some of the best folks around. Does it get any better than dancing at the beach? GVLX is local and awesome. Summertime - a Blues event takes us to the capital city and into historic venues. Even though it is far into the future, I can't wait for The Winter Blues. AND OHMYWORD there WILL be dancing.
I saw The Avett Brothers in concert in TigerTown and it was ... so wonderful. SBS, Ma Smo, Ashwinkle, and I had a blast! Who knew you could dance with a cello?
I get to go to my first ever prom this year! I am all a twitter. And the kiddos are asking each other and it is ADORABLE to watch the interactions. AWWW!
The entire world is yellow with pollen and I want to bathe in Claritin and scrub my eyes with steel wool. Instead I run, yoga, or go to 9Round inside. I can't wait until the plants settle down.
Yesterday I was the most adorable pink lumberjack-teacher ever, thanks to Target. A surprising amount of students liked this dress. It may be a new workweek staple, simply due to how EASY it is. Easy is good.
I haven't been reading books lately, but if you love blogs - might I recommend almost EVERY blog at Pathos? My favorites are No Longer Quivering, Love, Joy, Feminism and The Friendly Atheist, but there is something for everyone. If you want to see some of the other blogs I read, let me know! I'll feature them in other posts. I follow several religion blogs as well as several paleo cooking ones.
*... exhale*
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